Exposure with SXCAP program ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ C:> SXCAP e60 r6 a1 s-1 iM64 will take 6 x 60 second images, display and save each one in turn. They are labelled "M64" in this example. Using SX imaging program: from Windows, add each of the above images by: 1. Display first image using options of SX291 and COLOUR IMAGE (if itīs a colour image). 2. Under TOOLS, COMBINE IMAGES, MULTIPLE IMAGE CO-ADD. 3. Auto align with up to 10 and 100 for the values (larger numbers give slower adding). 4. Change palette from POSITIVE TO FULL COLOUR to view. 5. Save in Pixcolwn format by setting OPTIONS, CCD DEFAULTS, to CUSTOM and setting the pixel count to 510 x 290. Remember to 'un check' the OPTIONS, SAVE INFO box. Set the colour options according to your interface, in my case they were: Row offset 0 (X) Row offset 1 (0) Column offset 0 (X) Column offset 1 (0)