G4AON Vertical antenna frequently asked questions ------------------------------------------------- Q. I don't have a dip oscillator, is there another way to tune the traps? A. Traps can be tuned by using a short piece of wire as an antenna and connecting the trap in series with a receiver antenna socket, however this is quite tricky. A dip oscillator, such as the Heathkit HD-1250, can often be loaned from a fellow ham or bought for little money on eBay. ------------------------------------------------ Q. I don't have any enamelled copper wire, can I use ordinary insulated wire instead? A. At a pinch yes, however the trap will be lower Q as a result of the additional insulation. A spool of enamelled wire isn't very expensive. ------------------------------------------------ Q. Can you give exact measurements for the wires to save me having to fold and cut them? A. The wire lengths are dependant on the ground system and also on surrounding wires, buildings and trees. So it is not possible to give exact lengths. ------------------------------------------------ Q. Can a cheap wire and fishing rod antenna really match the performance of a commercial antenna? A. In many cases it exceeds their performance. Some commercial vertical antennas are awful, especially those which are wideband, limited in their power handling and use no radials. See www.eham.net for reviews. ------------------------------------------------ Q. I have plenty of room for buried radials, should I make all the radials full size for 7 MHz, or should I install some shorter ones for the higher bands as well? A. Others have determined that radials some 66% of the length of an elevated radial perform better than "full length" ones for buried radials, therefore it seems likely that using some shorter radials, as well as the longer ones, will probably be of benefit. Placing radials underground de-tunes them, so it is not surprising they work best when reduced in length compared to elevated radials. Having plenty of radials is the key to success with a ground mounted vertical, a minimum of 16 radials should be aimed for. ------------------------------------------------ Q. Do I need to make the junction box with it's ferrite ring, or can I just solder the coax to the antenna and ground wires? A. The junction box, with it's feedline choke, is optional and probably makes little difference to the antennas performance, however many hams do use feedline chokes to minimise RF pickup, and radiation from, the coax. I feel the use of a feedline choke is good engineering practice. ------------------------------------------------